Taking on The Anne-Laure Challenge: 100 Blog Posts in 100 Days

Beginning today, I’m doing The Anne-Laure Challenge

Based on Ness Labs founder Anne-Laure Le Cunff’s article “Writing 100 articles in 100 days” , I’ll be publishing a total of 100 blog posts, or 5 posts a week over 20 weeks.

In 2019, Anne-Laure’s writing attracted over 7,000 subscribers to her newsletter, thanks to the challenge. This spawned an online business that allowed her to be a creator, full-time. 

This is a commitment to play what Packy McCormick calls “The Great Online Game, to field test my creative practice, and to find a way to be prolific, without burning out. 

Still, I’m riddled with fear and doubt.

I’m afraid of failing to finish, of burning out then hating myself, of adding more noise to the cacophony on the internet.

But last night, as I was sitting around a campfire with new friends under the stars, I remembered writing this a couple months ago:

I wouldn't go back and half-ass anything, nor do anything differently. I would rather have given my best and failed, than never to have tried hard at all… I'm the kind of person who gives her best, no matter what.

To me, publishing daily is a learning practice. These reflections allow me to rapidly get feedback on my ideas around creativity, the creator economy, and web 3.0. 

I’ve accepted that I’ll never get better if I don’t publish – including the duds and total pieces of garbage along the way.



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